Rowing Update

The new academic year is fast approaching for local High Point middle and high schools and High Point Rowing Club has finalized the purchase of two rowing shells and a motorboat for the juniors program.

We hope to complete the purchase of a boat trailer this weekend for picking up these boats, which are in clubs as far away as Louisville, KY.

Once the equipment is in place at Oak Hollow Lake we will organize an information session for students and parents interested in joining the team. No rowing experience is necessary and please know that your first rowing session with the program is free of charge and without obligation. However, all participants must have a parent or life guard certify on the Swim/Float Test form that they can swim in advance of engaging in rowing activities. Please bring this completed form with you to the lake.

If you would like to talk to someone about the sport of rowing please  feel welcome to call the program director, Gene Kininmonth, directly at (336) 257-9009 or email

It’s Time!

Rowing has come to High Point, North Carolina.

High Point Rowing Club has been formed to bring opportunities to row to the High Point community. We have received city approval to row on Oak Hollow Lake and are now in the process of acquiring boats and oars, coach boats, a trailer, and general safety equipment such as life jackets.

High Point Rowing Club welcomes participation from people of all areas of the community. Our focus in the beginning will be the establishment of a juniors program for high school students from Year 8 – 12 but we also welcome interest from college students, and adults looking for a non-impact sport to keep them in shape. Whether you are looking for a new outdoor recreational opportunity or a chance to compete in a truly unique sport, rowing is the sport for you!


If you would like to talk to someone about the sport of rowing please  feel welcome to call the program director, Gene Kininmonth, directly at (336) 257-9009 or email 


Rowing Club Planned for High Point

Rowing enthusiast Gene Kininmonth has drafted Articles of Incorporation for a non-profit corporation to bring the sport of rowing to High Point, North Carolina.

“The sport of rowing should have a place in the fabric of High Point,” says Kininmonth. “It is simply a wonderful sport and recreational activity and provides incredible educational opportunities.”

Since Title IX, the female sport of choice of collegiate athletic directors to counter the large male participant numbers in football is women’s rowing. Thus, there is a huge demand for female high school students with rowing experience.

“By not having access to rowing in High Point, our students here are missing out on one of the biggest educational opportunities out there,” says Kininmonth.

Kininmonth has made initial contact with the city’s park service officials about establishing a permanent base for rowing on Oak Hollow Lake and will sit down with leaders in the next few weeks. “I think we can get this done. Once we start, there is no doubt in my mind this is going to take off,” says Kininmonth.