Greensboro, North Carolina – Duke University’s head women’s rowing coach Megan Cooke Carcagno gave the keynote address at the 2018 Celebration of Rowing banquet held at Sedgefield Country Club on Saturday night and it was a inspiring rowing story of triumph over challenge.
After an hour of cocktails and silent auction, almost 200 rowers, parents and friends from High Point Rowing Club and Greensboro Crew gathered into the Sedgefield Country Club ballroom for what has become the most prestigious social event on the rowing calendar.
Jack and Harry Kininmonth, serving as Master of Ceremonies, then opened the evening by introducing Greensboro youth coxswain Eleah Stewart to give the invocation.

After enjoying a delicious feast, Jack & Harry then returned to the podium to begin the formal ceremonies, which began with High Point rower Natalie Earnhardt, who recited “The Triad Navy” a poem written for the occasion by club founder Gene Kininmonth.
Mary Hollingsworth then presented the High Point Parent of the Year award to Shelli and Brandon York for their service to the crew. Greensboro parent Julie Higgins then presented the Greensboro Parent of the Year award to Holly Messick.
‘Girl Jeanne’ MacPherson, last year’s Masters MVP winner, was then invited to the podium to announce the 2018 recipient – Erin Sanders. Congratulations Erin – High Point Masters MVP Rower of the Year!
Coach Katie Ognovich then talked about the progress of Greensboro Crew and concluded by presenting the Katherine Dickson Award for youth service to Greensboro Crew to Benjamin Huitt and the Greensboro Masters MVP award to Julie Higgins.
Coach Gene Kininmonth then thanked all the Triad United Rowing coaches for their service to the club and presented the Caroline Howard Cup for youth service to High Point Rowing Club to Jamie Atkinson.
It is not every year that the club is fortunate enough to have youth rowers sign with college rowing programs but this year three high school seniors are signing so the club held a special signing ceremony at the banquet to recognize their success. Lindsay York has signed with Drake University, Junior Ognovich has signed with Syracuse University and Ashley Walker has signed with the University of Minnesota.
And then it was time to welcome world champion rower Megan Cooke-Carcagno to the podium. But before her speech, guests watched on the big screen her USA women’s eight world record breaking victory at the 2006 world championships. The win began a streak for the USA women that lasted almost a dozen years.
But it was the story of Megan’s journey to that record breaking moment that inspired guests at the banquet. Perseverance and resiliency only begin to describe Megan’s effort to make the USA team. Her years of struggle and never give up attitude up prove that it takes more than talent alone to become the world’s best.
At this point there was just one last piece of business to attend to – the drawing of the raffle ticket to see who would win the brand new Concept2 ergometer. Erin Sanders held out the bucket of tickets and Megan drew the ticket – and the winner was Lisa Thompson (William’s mum). Congratulations Lisa!
Coach Gene then thanked Coach Megan for sharing her story and also Jaree Todd, who chaired this year’s record breaking auction.
The final honor of the evening was to thank our amazing 2018 Banquet Chair Jackie King. Without Jackie there would be no banquet and we were all richer for the experience of this year’s Celebration of Rowing.