Club Patrons
$5,000 & greater
Jackie & Herschel King
McDonalds Restaurants
The Stewards Society
$2,500 to $4,999
Michele Krantz
Erin & Richard Sanders
Power 10 Club
$1,000 to $2,499
Mandy & Eric Greene
Anne & Parker Huitt
Sara & Edmund Nichols
Bev & Larry Snively
The Last 500 Club $500 to $999
Allison Amick
Lynn & Richard Harvey
Kiwi Mike Hitchcock
Mary Hollingsworth
Katherine & Steve McCusker
Jill & Todd Phelps
Lisa & Brian Thompson
Trent Capital Management
Triad United Club
$250 to $499
The Albright Family
Boxdrop Mattress & Furniture
Kristen & Brian Bremer
Collin Greene
Tracia Loria
Palmer & James McIntyre
Holly Messick
Allison Ray
Jason Reynolds
Andrew Robb
Laura Tanley
Jaree & Mel Todd
Camissa & Alan Tripp

Family Banner Club
$125 to $249
Haywood Alexander
Michele AlvarinoSusan & Frank Azzarita
Shaylor Friedman
Barbara Groff
Colleen & Paul McGuire
John Akers
Cory Anderson
James Anderson
Aleksey Bakunov
Giorgia Bergamasco
Therese Blewitt
Laura & Daniel Briggs
Todd & Dana Cossick
Linda & Ralph Crandall
Charlie Crowell
Connie & Mark Curri
Paul Delaney
Joan Dery
Dan Dery
Katherine & Chris Dickson
Carolyn & Tom Duncan
CarolAnne Earnhardt
Jo & Gary Earnhardt
Rob & Stacey Finch
Myles Fish
Steve & Nancy Fuller
JoAnne Hahn
Sherman Harvey
Adrian Hronich
Kelly Hrycay
Judy & Sig Huitt
May Ikerd
Allie Jannetta
Alexis King
Gene Kininmonth & Amy MacArthur
Lynne Klauer
Steven Lim
Keith Lineberry
Nan Lineberry
Lauren & Adam Lux
Jerie & Dierdre McArthur
Teresa Morgan-Bews
Brent Mynatt
Rebecca Parker
Brad Smart
Midge Spong
Susan Stephenson
William Thompson
Jeffrey Williams
The Handpiece Guy
Varsity Blues Club
Up to $99
Anita Anderson
Cobb & Raegan Atkinson
Ivy Azzarita
Melody & Phil Barker
Sergio Bastos
Aubrey Bews
Danielle Brabson
Crystal Burlow
Tim Cook
Joseph Caraher
Julie Cascante
Joan Clodfelter
John (Jack) Clodfelter
Becky & Jim Clodfelter
Jane Critchley
Lummie Crowell
Steve Cranford
Wes Crowell
Christopher & Christina Donahue
Joshua & Nellie Dowd
Mblishka Dowd
Liz & Dave Figueroa
Kihl Gilmer
Elaine Hammer
Michele Harris
Sarah Harvey
Katie Harvey
Teresa Harvey
Kristin Hill
James Hoffman
Debra Hoffman
Kim & Bit Holton
Lorraine & John Jakubek
Steve Joyce
Lauren Katzeff
Amanda Killian
Betsy Keeton
Brenda & John Kirby
Alice & David Landry
John & Lillian Lux
Linda & Jeffrey Millikan
Alison Lawson
Christina McCary/Harwell
Afeefah Monsanto
Katharine Rhinehart
Tom Szott II
Jason Thomas
Pam Wheeler
Roxane Williot
Thank you to all of these very generous 2020 donors to High Point Rowing Club and the Triad United Rowing Association. We apologise for any errors or omissions. Please email contact@highpointrowing.com to suggest corrections.