High Point Rowing Club 5th Anniversary Row
“The purpose of Masters Fall Rowing is to foster healthy living in a fun team environment for adults through the wonderful sport of rowing,” says club organizer Gene Kininmonth. “The highlight of the Fall session will be the opportunity for all rowers to participate in the 2018 High Point Autumn Rowing Festival on September 29 at Oak Hollow Lake.”
Format: Participants with no prior experience will start with a learn-to-row format. As technique and stamina improve, a more competitive format will be adopted. Experienced rowers will row together in boat orders as assigned by the coaches. For safety reasons, participants must be confident swimmers. In addition to rowing, participants will be expected to serve on occasions as coxswains, the member of the crew that steers the boat and makes the calls.
Dates and Times: Participants may sign up for either weekday or weekend sessions or Fall Unlimited.
Weekday Session (PM): Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6pm to 7:30pm starting August 21 and ending October 11.
Weekend Session: Saturday mornings at 7:15am and Sunday afternoon at 4pm starting August 25 and ending October 14. (Note, there will be no practices on September 29-30 due to the High Point Autumn Rowing Festival).
Fall Unlimited Sessions: participants can attend all of the above sessions.
Attire: Tee shirt, form-fitting shorts, and flip-flops are usual attire. Loose fitting shorts will likely catch in the “slide” (where the rowing seat moves back and forth in the boat). Bring a water bottle too! Sunglasses are good.
Cost: $200 per rower for 16 sessions. No partial refund for missed sessions or weather related cancellations. However, you can make up a missed class in a different time slot. Check with your company’s wellness program for full or partial reimbursement. Participants can attend all sessions by upgrading to the Fall Unlimited membership for $275.
More Info: Call Gene at 257-9009 or email contact@highpointrowing.com
August 18: Open House
September 8: Crew Anniversary Row & Potluck Brunch
September 29: High Point Autumn Rowing Festival