Note from Coach

geneHappy New Year!

I hope you all enjoyed the holidays. If you are like me, you can’t wait to see our team back out on the water again.

In the cold winter months, however, we must recognize that rowing carries new challenges that must be understood and mitigated. On Wednesday, I took the water temperature at Oak Hollow Lake, which was 45F. This was prior to last night’s snowfall. Regardless of whether or not you are a great swimmer, this is dangerously cold water if you were to fall out of the boat. This is because if you are suddenly immersed into water this cold you are at great risk of experiencing cold water shock, which is where the body can immediately shake uncontrollably and one hyperventilates for up to 2-3 minutes. If a person is under water they could drown before ever making it to the surface.

Although our team has never had a rower fall out of the boat, I think all of us would agree unanimously that such possible risk to life is unacceptable. So, until lake temperatures rise, all participants must now wear a life jacket while on the water. Life jackets suitable for rowing are those that automatically inflate when immersed in water and they cost about $220 each. Any other type would be either too bulky and inhibit rowing or would require pulling a cord to inflate and for someone experiencing cold shock, this may be impossible to do.

1189NAV-00-000And this brings me to a request for support: we need at least 25 life jackets for our team to immediately begin rowing. This is an investment of about $5,000. If you would like to make a donation to the team to purchase a life jacket(s) please contact me as soon as possible via email at or by calling me directly at (336) 257-9009.

Checks should be made payable to ‘High Point Rowing Club’.

Thank you!