We are raising funds to build a stronger fleet for High Point Rowing Club!
To kick off fundraising the Crew will host its annual Ergathon by rowing 100 kilometers in our erg room at 124C Wade Street in Jamestown on March 3, 2018. The purpose of this year’s Ergathon is to raise funds to build a floating dock and upgrade the Club’s fleet of boats and equipment. We ask all our rowers, Masters and youth, to vigorously seek financial support from friends, neighbors and family. We hope you will support them!
Last year the Ergathon raised over $24,000 and allowed the team to purchase new shells. Individual rowers who raise over $500 from family and friends will be recognized with some special exclusive apparel. Family’s who contribute over $125 will see their name proudly displayed on the team banner in the erg room and on race day at regattas.
“High Point rowers really step up for this vital event for the club,” says club founder Gene Kininmonth. “The Ergathon is not only the most important event we do for the development of our team, it is also one of the most fun events of the year.”
Donation/Ergathon forms will be handed out to rowers next week.

The High Point Rowing Club Donors of 2017
Club Patrons
$5,000 & greater
Jackie & Herschel King
City of High Point

The Stewards Society
$2,500 to $4,999
Kiwi Mike Hitchcock
Erin & Richard Sanders
High Point CVB
Power 10 Club
$1,000 to $2,499
Beth & Russ Heer
Kim & Gregory Hundley
Steve McCusker
Shelli & Brandon York
The Last 500 Club
$500 to $999
Mandy, Eric & Colin Greene
Gene Kininmonth & Amy MacArthur
Beverly & Lawrence Snively
Nancy Yohn

Oak Hollow Club
$250 to $499
Kristen Bremer
Robbin & Jerry Bryant
Bruce Cantrell
Henry Dorn
Nandita & VC Harish
Anne & Parker Huitt
Catherine & John Li
Bobbi Long
Debbie & Matthew O’Connell
Girl Jeanne McPherson
Elizabeth Nowell
Jerald Winter
Family Banner Club
$125 to $249
Marlena & Joshua Abantollans
Therese Blewitt & Therese Keaton
Jacqueline Broach
Ann & George Clendon
Connie & Mark Curri
Elizabeth & Mark Davidson
Paul Delaney
Katherine & Christopher Dickson
Lori & David Gignac
Leslie & Duncan Hicks
Julie & Gregory Higgins
Michele Krantz
Traci Loria
Alisha & Arthur Maynard
Susan Michel
Kellie & Todd Owsley
Rebecca & John Parker
Ashley & Matt Pipkin
William & Catherine Scarpa
Courtney Sparrow
Sarah & Donnie Sparrow
Susan Stephenson
Premalata & Komal Sundaram
Laura Tanley
Anu & Venky Venkatesh
Greta & Jason Tilley
Varsity Blues Club
$50 to $124
Rachel & Haywood Alexander
Tracy Bragdon
Jackie & Jerry Bryant
Jane Critchley
Mack Duncan
Deborah & Alan Gale
Mr & Mrs Paul Gibson
Paula Guenther
Lauren Hawthorne
Brenda & Robert Hilemn
Nanette Hutchison
Allie Jannetta
Kimberlie Kaltenbach
Tony Meyers
Christopher Murray
Brenda Planes
Erica Reisberger
Michael Shea
Lindsay York
Caren & Greg York
*Note, some of these names reflect gifts designated to Greensboro Crew
Please email contact@highpointrowing.com to note any errors or omissions.