Who is High Point Rowing Club for and how long has the team been around?

High Point Rowing Club is the Triad’s first community rowing club and provides opportunities to row for youth (Grades 7-12) and adults through the Masters program. The team was formed in 2012 and now has over 140 members.
Does it cost money to try-out rowing to see if I like the sport?
The Club welcomes students to try out rowing with the team for two sessions at no charge. Email the coaches at contact@highpointrowing.com with any questions.
Where does the team row?
The team trains indoors during the winter in Jamestown and during the warmer months at beautiful Oak Hollow Lake. For directions see this link
When are practice times?
Practice days/times during the Spring & Fall seasons are 4:15pm to 6:15pm for during the week and at 9am on Saturdays. The team makes allowances for students who attend school from further away to arrive at 4:30pm. Note, middle school students practice on fewer days, which are generally Monday – Thursday – Saturday.
Are all practices mandatory?
No. If you cannot make it to all practice sessions that is OK. Keep in mind that like anything in life you only get out of something what you put into it. We find that the longer our rowers are on the team the more committed they become.
When is the Crew season?
Crew is a year round sport comprised of four distinct seasons.
Fall Season: This season begins in August and the team will row through to early December, competing in scrimmages and boat races called regattas against other rowing programs in October and November.
Spring Season: Rowing begins in mid-February and races begin in late March and continue through May.
Summer season: A great time to participate in a Summer Rowing Camp to learn to row.
Winter Indoor Season: The team trains inside at the Jamestown Indoor Rowing Studio.
Do I have to row all seasons?
No. For example, a student may wish to row in the fall season and then play another sport such as Baseball or soccer in the spring. Rowing is a great conditioning activity for other sports and many athletes use it for cross-training purposes.
Will rowing help me get into college?
For many high school students, experience in rowing may just be the best extra curricular activity they could take on outside of the classroom for getting into college. For girls especially, there are serious advantages to being a rower. Colleges need lots of female rowers to balance out large male football teams. Consider this, UNC has 60 girls on their women’s rowing roster. Princeton University has 140 women on their rowing team. Wisconsin has even more!
Do you want to be applying to great colleges like UNC, Princeton or Wisconsin as a volleyball player or as a rower?
What are the costs to join the team?
Dues are payable per season – see the registration link for specifics for the current or upcoming season. In addition to dues, all members will need to purchase a uniform (~$20) and pay race fees.
Why row?
There are lots of reasons HERE!